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Understanding Silver Purity: A Guide to Fine and Sterling Silver

When it comes to appreciating the elegance and allure of silver jewellery, we often marvel at the intricate designs and the sparkle it adds to our attire. But behind the sparkle, there's a fascinating science to the purity of silver that makes each piece distinct in its own way.

At Hazel's Jewellery Shop, I believe in the importance of understanding the materials that make up your favourite pieces. Therefore, in today's post, I delve into the world of silver purity and explore the characteristics and benefits of Pure Silver (Fine Silver) and Sterling Silver.

Handcrafted fine silver lace necklace
Hazel's Jewellery Shop

Pure Silver: Pure Silver, also known as Fine Silver & is labelled as .999. This mark indicates that the silver content in the piece is 999 parts per thousand, leaving only one part for other metals. One of the significant advantages of Pure Silver is its resistance to tarnish. Because of its high silver content, it tarnishes slower, meaning you'll spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying your jewellery's beauty. Plus, Fine Silver is a wonderful choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies to certain metals. The minimal presence of other metals reduces the risk of skin reactions, making Pure Silver pieces a go-to for daily wear. Sterling Silver: Sterling Silver, with its hallmark of .925, signifies a composition of 925 parts silver per thousand, with the remaining 75 parts composed of other metals. This unique mix gives Sterling Silver added strength and durability.

The robust nature of Sterling Silver makes it an excellent choice for jewellery pieces that endure more wear and tear, such as rings or earring ear wires. Despite the higher content of other metals, Sterling Silver is still a safe option for many with sensitive skin. Choosing Your Perfect Piece: Understanding the different types of silver allows you to make informed choices about your jewellery. Whether you're drawn to the high-sheen allure of Pure Silver or the enduring strength of Sterling Silver, you can choose the perfect piece to match not only your style but also your lifestyle and skin sensitivities. At Hazel's Jewellery Shop, I'm committed to crafting each piece with care, attention to detail, and dedication to quality and sustainability. With me, you're not only choosing a piece of jewellery but also supporting a business that values ethical craftsmanship. I hope this guide aids you in your silver jewellery journey, empowering you to find pieces that not only dazzle but also tell a story—your story. After all, at Hazel's Jewellery Shop, every piece of silver tells a tale. Stay tuned for more insights and stories from the world of sustainable, handcrafted jewellery

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